To support communications, the project has produced material that can be handed out and presented at fairs. Photo: Metsähallitus / Meri-Hilkka Mäkelä.

The Saimaa Seal LIFE project produced many types of information on the Saimaa ringed seal to support the work of the authorities, to enrich the experience of nature tourists and to provide environmental education for schoolchildren. In addition to Metsähallitus Parks and Wildlife Finland, reports, brochures and other material were also published by the other project partners: University of Eastern Finland, Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Turku, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (South Savo and North Karelia), Finnish Federation for Recreational Fishing, The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and WWF Finland.

You will find all the material published during the project on this page, grouped by the theme. The letter and number combination indicates the project’s action category.

Production of New Information

Prevention of the Human-induced Disturbance

Reduction of the Deaths of Saimaa Ringed Seals Caused by Fishing

Planning of the Management and Use of Protected Areas

Preparing for the Threats Posed by Climate Change

Communication and Environmental Education

Last updated 11 July 2024