Purpose and Values
Metsähallitus´ purpose is fostering natural values and taking care of our shared wealth responsibly across generations.

- creates value from state-owned land and waters for the benefit of nature, people and society.
- uses, manages and protects state-owned land and water areas sustainably and reconciles the different goals of owners, customers and other stakeholders.
- ensures that everyone – including future generations – will have the opportunity to enjoy nature and the value it creates.
Our work is important
- because we have something precious that must be used and managed, ensuring that it does not lose its value. Metsähallitus’ expertise, networks, value chains and future opportunities are also part of this value.
- because it is about enhancing, increasing and diversifying. Not only preservation.
We are guided by
- a consensus reached by reconciling different views and opinions of how land and water areas should be used and managed.
- a responsible and strategic approach which guides all management, activities and development work in Metsähallitus.
- a scale and timeframe larger than the human: the scale of nature. Eternal.
Our values
IMPORTANCE. We do important work for the good of Finland as a whole, Finnish society and nature. This is a force that helps to bring together many different hopes and goals, even those conflicting with one another.
CARE. We do everything we can to promote the responsible use and management of natural resources and to enhance biodiversity and cultural heritage. Customers, partners and colleagues are important to us.
EFFECTIVENESS. Our work produces results. These results offer both tangible and intangible benefits, which are sustainably achieved in state-owned land and water areas, passed on from generation to generation