Forestry Ltd’s Contracts and Procurements
Metsähallitus procures all of its timber harvesting and transport work, in addition to a significant proportion of forest management and forest improvement services, from private entrepreneurs in this sector.

Procurement process
The most commonly used procedure for procuring contracting services is the open procedure, which is described below.
The process description (PDF, in Finnish)
Other procurement methods are also used, depending on the nature of the procurement (restricted, competitive, negotiated and direct).
Metsähallitus complies with the public procurement legislation when purchasing outsourced services. The key principles of this legislation include promoting healthy competition and equal and non-discriminatory treatment of entrepreneurs.
For more information about the different contract types, see the end of this section.
The information on Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd’s current calls for tenders is updated in the box below. The links take you to Metsähallitus’ Supplier Portal.
Forestry Ltd’s current calls for tenders |
We publish all our calls for tenders here:
Supplier Portal
Supplier Portal
Metsähallitus uses an e-tendering procedure in its procurements. Our current calls for tenders are always advertised on the electronic contract notice service HILMA and in our Supplier Portal.
Registration is required to use the Supplier Portal. The information needed for registration includes your business ID and e-mail address. Once you have registered, you will have access to all Metsähallitus’ calls for tenders and their attachments in the future.
Responsibility for our employees, partners and society
Corporate social responsibility is important for us. We comply with not only legislation but also the principles of responsible and ethical action specified in Metsähallitus Code of Conduct. Similar commitment to ethical and responsible operation is also required of all our suppliers.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The minimum requirements of responsible and ethical operation for our suppliers of goods and services can be found in our
A safe work environment in all situations and conditions is a priority for us. We pay particular attention to the occupational safety of both our personnel and our service providers.
We actively promote occupational safety in forestry, among other things by means of versatile training provision. We train our personnel to operate snowmobiles and quads, maintain their first aid skills, provide training in driving techniques, including anticipation and practice for slippery road conditions, and prepare them for encountering large carnivores.
To make sure that everyone can work safely, we have a comprehensive and diverse risk assessment and action plan as well as many types of more specific and detailed occupational safety instructions. We also conduct internal occupational safety audits. Our goal is zero accidents.
Work outsourced to contractors
We procure all of our timber harvesting and transport work, in addition to a significant proportion of the forest management and forest improvement services, from private entrepreneurs in this sector. We are a reliable contracting party with long-term, year-round contracts.
Depending on their type, our contracts are usually concluded for a period of one to four years.
Service descriptions have been drawn up for all of our contract types (timber harvesting, transportation, forest management as well as road construction and maintenance). In these descriptions, we specify the tasks of Metsähallitus and the service provider, the quality criteria of the service, and the principles for measuring quality and quality sanctions. The valid service description of each contract type is attached to the relevant call for tenders. The service descriptions can also be found in the Ahjo e-learning environment.
Targets and indicators for the activities are set with the contractor in annual performance appraisal discussions. We expect both parties to commit to the jointly agreed quantitative and qualitative targets.
Timber harvesting
Metsähallitus outsources all timber harvesting work to entrepreneurs in this sector. We offer entrepreneurs timber harvesting contracts with the best conditions in Europe, long-term contracts, steady employment round the year as well as a work environment relying on the latest technology.

An index clause is included in long-term contracts to address cost changes, and contract prices are reviewed every two months. For a more detailed description of the index clause, see the call for tenders documents.
The tasks and duties of the harvesting service provider and Metsähallitus as well as the valid quality criteria for harvesting are specified in the harvesting service description. Requirements higher than the basic standard apply to some of the forest machines.
Road transport of timber
Metsähallitus outsources all timber transportation work to entrepreneurs in this sector.

The tasks and duties of the transport service provider and Metsähallitus as well as the valid quality criteria for the road transport of timber are specified in the service description for road transport.
Transport orders, stock inventories, delivery addresses and map data are sent to the entrepreneurs electronically. The delivery address register and up-to-date timber quality data of each plant are maintained centrally.
Operators can check the more detailed transport instructions in the e-learning environment Ahjo at any time.
Forest management

Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd procures all machinery work required for forest management purposes and the majority of planting and stand management services from service providers. Key types of contracting work include tillage, ditch network maintenance, fertilisation, planting and clearing saw work. An index clause is included in long-term contracts to address changes in cost levels. For a more detailed description of the index clause, see the call for tenders documents.
Metsähallitus’ contracts offer large average site sizes, high-quality operations management, and excellent continuity. This creates good possibilities for cost-effective contracting work for entrepreneurs.
Road construction and maintenance
Roads are constructed and maintained methodically in areas with active forestry operations. This work is guided by a road network plan.
A regional entrepreneurship model is used in road maintenance work. This means that, as a rule, regional entrepreneurs are responsible for all road maintenance work in their areas. Networking with other entrepreneurs is often required for this.
The season for road construction and maintenance work usually ranges from two to eight months, as winter conditions prevent year-round contracting. Most companies also work for other contracting parties.
Many types of machinery are needed in road maintenance work, including excavators, wheel loaders, bulldozers, graders, gravel trucks, rock crushers, brush cutters, levelling drags and rollers.
In Northern Finland, where the forest road network is sparser, winter roads have a significant role in timber harvesting. The laying out and maintenance of winter roads offers work opportunities for contractors in the north also in the winter months.
Other procurements
Other products and services procured by Forestry Ltd include:
- Laser scanning
- Fertilisers
- Seedlings and seeds
- Fungicides
- Tarpaulins for fuel wood stacks
- Work clothing
- Other goods
See the Current calls for tenders box on top of the page for all tendering processes of Forestry Ltd.