Peatland Group of the Finnish Board on Ecological Restoration

The Finnish Expert Group for Peatland Restoration was established as a part of the Finnish Board on Ecological Restoration (FBER). The FBER Peatland Group concentrates on issues related to ecological restoration of forestry-drained peatlands, especially in protected areas.

FBER Peatland Group

  • designs monitoring schemes to study ecological effects of peatland restoration
  • formulates guidelines for restoration of peatlands
  • promotes the co-operation between research and practical management related to peatland restoration
  • provides expert knowledge on peatland restoration
  • organizes courses and seminars on peatland restoration.

Group members

  • Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland: Santtu Kareksela (chair),Tuomas Haapalehto, Sakari Rehell, Maarit Similä, Pekka Vesterinen
  • Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd: Reijo Hokkanen
  • Ministry of the Environment: Inka Keränen
  • University of Eastern Finland: Teemu Tahvanainen
  • Finnish Environment Institute: Kaisu Aapala
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland: Aleksi Räsänen
  • Tapio Group: Samuli Joensuu
  • Finnish Forest Centre: Matti Välimäki
  • Regional Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Southern Ostrobothnia: Anna-Liisa Granqvist.
  • Regional Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Häme: Anna Isotalo
  • Geological Survey of Finland: Lauri Ikkala

The group meets 2–4 times a year. One of the meetings is usually a field excursion.

Contact information: Nature Conservation Specialist Santtu Kareksela (pj.): e-mail