Almmustahtton 8.3.2022

Meahciráđđehus lea botken ovttasbarggu Ruoššain

Meahciráđđehus dubme garrasit Ruošša álggahan falleheami Ukrainas, mii doarjut Ukraina ja ukrainalaččaid.

Meahciráđđehus lea dan stivrejeaddji ministeriijaid bokte ožžon, stáhtaráđi guoskevaš rávvagiid mielde gaskkalduhttán doaisttážii buot ovttasbarggu Ruoššain. Geavatlaččat šluhttet ruošša ovttasbargoguimmiid buot oktavuođadoallamis, ja šluhtten guoská sihke prošeaktaovttasbarggu ja buot eará ovttasbarggu. 

Meahciráđđehus lea lassin mearridan, ahte eat oastte rovvemuoraide ja vánddardansadjehuksemii oaivvilduvvon lastaguosa saháin, juos eat sáhte sihkkarastit ruovtturiika saháin, ahte muora álgoriika ii leat Ruošša.

Metsähallitus has ceased cooperation with Russia

Metsähallitus strongly condemns the Russian attack in Ukraine; we support Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

Metsähallitus has suspended all cooperation with Russia for the time being in accordance with the guidelines on central government received through the ministries it operates under. In practice, all contact with Russian partners has been cut off, and the lockdown applies to both project-related cooperation and all other types of cooperation.

Metsähallitus has also decided that we will not buy larch for duckboards and hiking site construction from sawmills unless domestic sawmills can confirm that the country of origin of the wood is not Russia.

Lassedieđut/ More information:

Meahciráđđehus, Terhi Koipijärvi
hoavda, gulahallan, strategiija ja vásttolašvuohta
tel. +358 50 598 9958