Flying squirrel information and environmental education

From this page you will find the next topics:
- Flying squirrel data, inventory methods and modelling habitat networks
- Environmental education and communication
- Distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel in Estonia and Finland
- Basic information of the flying squirrel in other sources
Flying squirrel data, inventory methods and modelling habitat networks
One of our objectives is to improve the availability of flying squirrel data in Finland and Estonia. Ensuring that data on the occurrence of flying squirrels is as comprehensive and accessible as possible helps to secure habitat networks and facilitates the daily land-use planning.
In Flying squirrel LIFE project, especially Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus, The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, ELY Centre for Southwest Finland, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and Estonian Environmental Board are responsible for developing easier acces to flying squirrel data.
Flying squirrel data
A Finnish flying squirrel data bank is being compiled by the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF), which is maintained by Luomus – Finnish Museum of Natural History. In the future, data on known forest areas inhabited by the flying squirrel will be available centrally from FinBIF. It will also be the place, where the theme page about protection of the species and securing its habitats exist, including relevant guide books and publications.
- Protection of the flying squirrel and its habitats – theme page (
- Flying squirrel information card (
- Flying squirrel observations in the data bank (
- Flying squirrel monitoring tools (, in Finnish)
- Luomus’ bulletin on the national monitoring of the flying squirrel in Finland (March 6 2018,, in Finnish)
The project partners have co-authored a summary of the legislation related to the flying squirrel, monitoring, conservation and forest use practices in Finland and Estonia: Description of the current conservation legislation and management procedures of the flying squirrel in Finland and Estonia (pdf 1,04 Mt)
Flying squirrel data in Estonia is confidential and processed by environmental protection authorities. During the project, the Estonian Environmental Board (Keskkonnaamet) carries out comprehensive flying squirrel inventories in Estonia.
Inventory methods
A flying squirrel inventory guide compiled by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC) helps in identifying habitats suitable for flying squirrels and finding signs of the presence of flying squirrels, such as droppings: Flying squirrel inventory guide (pdf 2,2 Mt,, in Finnish), Flying squirrel inventory guide, English summary (pdf 359 kt) FANC has provided also inventory trainings in the project in 2022-2023. Keskkonnaamet is compiling an inventory guide in Estonia.
ELY Centre Southwest Finland is investigating how the sense of smell in trained inventory dogs can be utilised in nature surveys: The use of conservation detection in nature conservation is new by global standards. Based on comparisons made in the Rekijokilaakso Natura 2000 area, dog skills are truly promising. The dogs performing conservation detection are real working dogs trained for the task. Read the summary report of the dog-assisted flying squirrel inventories (pdf 1.6 Mt). Videos from the dog workshop held in Rekijokilaakso in 2022 can be found from the finnish pages (in finnish). Read more about working dogs at International K9 Institute (
Modelling habitat networks
The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) models habitat networks suitable for flying squirrels, i.e. areas likely to be suitable for the species, which can be illustrated on maps. They can be used for land use planning and forest use so that connections between flying squirrel habitats can be more effectively taken into account. Keskonnaamet is responsible for modelling in Estonia.
In Finland the modelling of suitable habitats are based on the knowledge of flying squirrel habitats, forest data, official species data and revising inventories in field. The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation implemented the field inventories to on the habitat modelling sites in 2020. Predictive habitat maps for professional use in Finland are situated in the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility ( Read more about predictive habitat models from the press release of Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke, in Finnish).
Environmental education and communication
In Flying squirrel LIFE project we aim share information and provide educational tips related the flying squirrel in many ways:
- Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus has published an Environmental Education Package (pdf 27 Mt,, in Finnish); summary (pdf 126 kt,
- In Finnish Nature Centre Haltia you can encounter with the flying squirrel in urban nature. You can explore the life of a flying squirrel through a slideshow, the VR experience glasses and the game “Next door to a flying squirrel”. In spring 2020 there was also a special exhibition about flying squirrel.
- Mobile exhibition “Liidossa” has been built in the Kuopio Natural History Museum in the spring 2022 (, in Finnish).
- A flying squirrel exhibition was built in the Iisaku Nature Centre, in the middle of the area where the species occurs in northeastern Estonia in summer 2023. Check out the Iisaku Nature Centre (
- The secret life of the flying squirrel can be monitored by means of nest camera broadcasts. There have been two broadcasts:
- Nest box video by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (
- Nest box video by the Kuopio Natural History Museum (
- New nature trails will also provide easy access into the flying squirrel forest in Jyväskylä and Rekijokilaakso. The nature trails were made ready for hiking in 2023. An Outdoor exhibition was built in Väinölänniemi Recreation area in Kuopio.
- There is a “flying squirrel ambassador” and nature school in Kuopio.
- We organise a variety of events, for example, at Finnish Nature Centre Haltia.
Distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel in Finland and Estonia

Basic information of the flying squirrel in other sources
- Literature: Ilpo K. Hanski: Liito-orava. Biologia ja käyttäytyminen. Helsinki 2016. Metsäkustannus. ISBN 9789526612928
- Nature Conservation Act (, in Finnish)
- Evaluations for endangerment: Red List web service
- IUCN Red List for endangered species, flying squirrel (
- Finnish red list, flying squirrel (, in Finnish)
- Conservation of flying squirrel (, in Finnish)
- Publication from the Finnish Associaton of Nature Conservation:
- Information about flying squirrel (, in Finnish)
- How to manage (, in Finnish)
- Guiding material to take flying squirrel into account in forestry (, in Finnish)
- Guiding material (pdf 1,0 Mt,, in Finnish)
- Online course (, in Finnish)
- Publications by the Finnish Environment Institute:
- Mäkelä, K., Salo, P. 2024: Luontoselvitykset ja luontovaikutusten arviointi : Opas tekijälle, tilaajalle ja viranomaiselle – 2. korjattu painos 2024 (SY 43/2023,, in Finnish)
- Nieminen, M. & Ahola, A. (toim.) 2017: Euroopan unionin luontodirektiivin liitteen IV lajien (pl. lepakot) esittely. – Suomen ympäristö 1/2017:1–278. (, in Finnish)
- Jokinen, M: Liito-oravan lisääntymis- ja levähdyspaikkarajausten vaikuttavuus lajin suojelukeinona. Suomen ympäristö 33/2012. (pdf 6,2 Mt,, in Finnish)
- Jokinen, A., Nikula, A., Nygrén, N., Tersa, P. & Haila, Y.: Liito-oravan elinympäristöjen mallitus ja ennakointi Tampereen kaupunkiseudulla. Suomen ympäristö 11/2010. (pdf 4,5 Mt,, in Finnish)
- Jokinen, A., Nygrén, N., Haila, Y. & Schrader, M.: Yhteiseloa liito-oravan kanssa – liito-oravan suojelun ja kasvavan kaupunkiseudun maankäytön tarpeiden yhteensovittaminen. Suomen ympäristö 20/2007. (pdf 3,4 Mt,, in Finnis)
- Academic dissertations with a flying squirrel theme:
- 2023 Wistbacka, Ralf: Monitoring and conservation of endangered Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) populations: implications for sustainable forest management (
- 2019 Jokinen, Maarit: Developing more effective conservation and research: the case of the Siberian flying squirrel (
- 2016 Mäkeläinen, Sanna: Occurrence, habitat use and movements of the flying squirrel in human-modified forest landscapes.(
- 2013 Nygrén Nina: Liito-oravan suojelun poliittinen prosessi ja suunnitteluvara Tampereen kaupunkiseudulla (
- 2013 Santangeli, Andrea: Assessing the effectiveness of different approaches to species conservation (
- 2009 Lampila, Satu: The causes and consequences of population declines of two boreal forest species: the case of the willow tit (Parus montanus) and the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) (
- 2008 Hurme, Eija: Ecological knowledge towards sustainable forest management: habitat requirements of the Siberian flying squirrel in Finland (
- 2002 Selonen, Vesa: Spacing behaviour of the Siberian flying squirrel: effects of landscape structure (
- 2001 Reunanen, Pasi: Landscape responses of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) in Northern Finland: the effect of scale on habitat patterns and species incidence (
Flying Squirrel LIFE project guides and other publications can be found from the page “Guides and other publications“.
Last updated 15 April 2024