Tendering processes in international market
Offshore wind power projects in Finnish territorial waters will be put out to tender on the international market in accordance with the model defined by the Finnish state.
The tendering procedure corresponds to the practices of M&A processes, is non-discriminatory and as open and transparent as possible. Bids will be evaluated using both quantitative and qualitative criteria. A commercial advisor will support us in organizing the tendering phase.
The lease rights of offshore wind farms and the prepared project will be put out to tender on the international market. Tendering is a private-law procedure similar to the M&A process in which bidders are treated equally.

Tendering progresses in stages
The tendering process will be launched by informing the market. After the preliminary bids, those interested in the projects will be asked to submit their binding bids. Among them, one or more partners will be selected for the final negotiations.
Once the parties have reached an agreement, the development of the project will continue as agreed. The tendering process, with its all stages, takes a maximum of one year.
The winning contracting partner is responsible for applying for the necessary permits and developing the site in an appropriate manner in close cooperation with the local municipality. Metsähallitus will remain the lessor of the area with a long-term lease.
The competitive tendering process emphasises qualitative and commercial criteria. Read more about the general requirements set for the partner on our website. More detailed information will be disclosed closer to the opening of the processes.
Project developer continues work with additional permits
Finnish legislation requires a fairly thorough permit process for the developer of an offshore wind farm. It takes approximately five to seven years for the project to reach the stage, where construction can begin.
The most important stages of the permit process are the local municipality’s zoning work as well as the environmental impact assessment (EIA), water permits, construction permits and power transmission line related permits.

For the EIA procedure, the project developer must carry out a variety of nature surveys on land and at sea, assess landscape impacts, model noise and flicker impacts, and examine impacts on maritime transport. Seabed surveys and wind measurements also take their time.
Nature surveys are affected by the seasons, as many issues can only be investigated during the snow-free season. In practice, EIA studies are carried out over several years.
Additional informationon the English web site of the Finnish Ministry of the Environment:
- Wind power construction (ym.fi)
- Environmental impact assessment (ym.fi)